Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Aloha! Trumbles in Hawaii I

From: Dan Trumble
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Aloha! Trumbles in Hawaii I

Aloha! The Trumbles are in Hawaii visiting my sister’s family. Major Andy Leong, my brother-in-law is stationed at Hickam Air Force Base on Oahu and we’re staying with him, my sister Amy, and their three children Kimberly (9), Caleb (6), and Josiah (4). We arrived on Thursday, January 11th after about an 8 hour flight from Dallas which followed an early morning flight from Colorado Springs. This was the first time any of the kids remember being on an airplane and they did really well.

On Friday Andy had to go to work but the rest of us walked around a bit on the base. We walked along the channel that boats use to move between Pearl Harbor and the ocean. We didn’t see any big boats moving while we walked but later in the day we saw a big ship and a sub in the distance. We had a picnic lunch at the park area by Hickam Beach and spent some time playing on the beach. I got sunburned.

On Saturday all of us, including Andy, drove out to Bellows Beach and spent some time. Many of us slept some on the way back from the beach…very tired!

Note the slight difference in temperature between Hawaii and Colorado on Saturday night. It warmed up some in Colorado Springs by the point where the below reading was taken. According to the local Colorado Springs newspaper, The Gazette (http://www.gazette.com/) it was only 4 degrees at noon Saturday (that’s about -16 C).

This weather data is from http://www.wunderground.com/

Steve has the airline travel deal figured out pretty well.

Here we are at Andy & Amy's house
Welcome greeting on the door to Andy & Amy's house

On Friday we took a walk on the base

Here are the seven kids. Will, Caleb, Jim, Stephen, Josiah, Elizabeth, Kimberly

At Hickam Beach

Stephen & Josiah and an African tulip tree.

Saturday at Bellows Beach

Jim running. Kimberly, Elizabeth, Will and Stephen in the background.

Stephen, Elizabeth, Will, and Jim

Dan in the water

Jim & Will

Elizabeth...Jim & Stephen...Will

The kids and a hole in the sand.

A crab

Ice cream after the beach.

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